събота, 14 септември 2013 г.

Super Energy Food with Colostrum


Super Energy Food by AquaSource with cultivated Barley - 300 g

For Strength & Energy from New Generation!

New AquaSource Super Energy Food combines two key ingredients to maximize absorption of all nutritional qualities.
Ready to germinate barley - produced by a newly developed system for grinding barley before germinating. This captures all barley produced enzymes and nutritional activity in barley grain at a time just before sprouting.
Colostrum - the first natural food that provides all essential immune factors and other nutrients to support the immune system, digestive tract and overall condition.

AquaSource Super Energy Food combining beta glucans (glucimun) in barley and immunoglobulins in Colostrum to provide support to the immune system. Our organism is supplied with additional endurance for longer period of time, as one measure spoon can take the place for one meal during the day.
Enzymes and Probiotics ensure maximum utilization of the product from the digestive tract. The well absorbtion is cruicial for maximum levels of energy and qualitative cell feeding.


Since AquaSource Super Energy Food contains complex carbohydrates, it provides a sustained release of energy that helps stabilize energy levels, thereby minimizing their sharp rise and fall - typical of diets control over calorie intake.


Main advantages of Super Energy Food by AquaSource:
  • Maintain stable energy levels;
  • Helps maintain normal metabolism;
  • Supports the immune system;
  • Helps maintain digestive tract;
  • Work in synergy with other nutrients.



To ensure optimal energy release for several hours stir or shake 10 grams of the powder into milk, apple or other juice. 

If desired, add fresh fruit and honey to sweeten naturally. For best results, use an electric mixer.

10 g = approx. 1 level measure or filled table spoon --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

For best results may take 2 scoops broken in milk or juice (freshly squeezed or in a box). You can consume 1 to 3 times daily or as needed. Content is sufficient for one month or longer admission subject to the quantity you accept. You cannot overdose.
Since Super enrgy food as a drink is very nutritious, it can easily replace a meal (eg dinner) and thus become an adjunct to diet. If Imtech problem with weight gain, we recommend the following recipe:
  •      250 ml. whole milk (3.6%);
  •      tea / tablespoon honey (depending on the sweetness that you want to achieve);
  •      1/2 scoops of Super energy food (according to preference).
Beat the ingredients well in a large glass or shaker. If you do not have a shaker and you insist the cosistence is broken well, use a mixer. The supplement has a very pleasant aroma and taste of vanilla. Honey gives the shake a nice sweetness, and the powder super energy food gives pleasing palate density.

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