събота, 20 април 2013 г.

Colostrum Helps Growth

                                                     Colostrum helps to Burn Fat and Build Muscle

Athletes and people who exercise regularly are always looking for ways to improve performance and get better results. According to clinical studies and testimonies of people who use colostrum, it may be the most powerful natural substance yet discovered that can help athletes achieve their dream results. Many body-builders and fitness experts claim that the colostrum is the most effective means of building strong muscles that they have ever used – maximum results without resorting to illegal (and dangerous) steroids.

In “The Iron Man" (magazine for serious bodybuilders) Sean Daniel emphasizes that IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor) found in colostrum, has a better anabolic effect of any substance ever known, even steroids ... read more

Recent studies have shown that colostrum reduces protein breakdown and stimulates glucose transport in muscle. This means that the muscles better use of fuel you have. When it comes to fat metabolism, growth factors in colostrum make possible the use of energy from fat rather than carbohydrates ... read more

Again, Sean Daniel of "Iron Man" states: "Short and clear, IGF-1 is the alpha and omega of anabolic peptide growth factors. Where can you get it from? Only colostrum!"  As someone who trains regularly, I've witnessed amazing improvements since I started taking colostrum. I can lift heavier weights during training and add extra faster ... read more

Recently, more studies have been conducted with athletes. In May 1996. Dr. Edmund Burke, writing for "Advances in the science of nutrition," said a study conducted with the participation of the Finnish Olympic ski team. "The athletes trained excessively and their levels of creatine kinase was measured over a seven day period. Creatine kinase is a critical intracellular muscle enzyme. It detects if the blood is an indicator of muscle cell damage ... read more 

In this article, Dr. Burke said that colostrum also improves endurance with athletes. Colostrum increases assimilation of food through the intestine, thus increasing the effectiveness of increasing carbohydrates and amino acids ...
Many growth factors found in colostrum help tissue repair, increase the body's metabolism and ability to build strong muscle, balance glucose levels in the blood and brain, and even recover DNA and RNA. Colostrum contains insulin-like growth factor (IGF), which stimulates ... read more

Visit www.livelong.euhttp://livelong.eu/  to read more information about sports and AquaSource nutritional supplements. 

Коластра и добра физическа форма

Коластрата помага да се изгарят тлъстини и да се изграждат мускули

Атлетите и хората, които спортуват редовно, винаги търсят начини да подобрят постиженията си и да получат по-добри резултати. Според клиничните изследвания и свидетелствата на хора, които употребяват коластра, тя може би е най-въздействащата природна субстанция, открита до момента, която може да помогне на атлетите да постигнат ... прочетете повече 

 В “Железният мъж” (списание за сериозни бодибилдъри) Даниел Шон подчертава, че IGF-1 (инсулино-подобен фактор на растежа), открит в коластрата, има забележително по-добър анаболен ефект от всяко известно досега вещество, дори и стероидите.” IGF-1 е в състояние “сам по себе си да осъществява мускулен растеж”, пише ... прочетете повече 

Последните изследвания показват, че коластрата намалява разпадането на протеините и стимулира транспортирането на глюкозата в мускулите. Това означава, че мускулите използват по-пълноценно горивото, с което разполагат. Когато става дума за метаболизма ... прочетете повече

Отново, Даниел Шон от “Железният мъж”: "Кратко и ясно, IGF-1 е алфата и омегата на анаболните пептидни фактори на растежа. От къде можете да го получите? Само от коластрата!”

Като човек, който тренира редовно, аз бях свидетел на удивителни подобрения, откакто започнах да вземам коластра. Мога да вдигам по-големи тежести по време на тренировки и прибавям допълнителни по-бързо от преди. Възстановявам се по-лесно след “серия” и мога по-бързо ...

Прочетете повече за растежните фактори и колко ефективна може да бъде помощта им в спорта тук.

понеделник, 8 април 2013 г.

CoQ10 - Health for the Heart

What is very essential to be said about Coenzyme Q10, is that it is actually oil-soluble, vitamin-like substance which is present in most cells, primarily in the mitochondria. It is a component of the electron transport chain and participates in aerobic cellular respiration, generating energy in the form of ATP. 95% (percent) of the human body’s energy is generated this way. Therefore, those organs with the highest energy requirements—such as the heart, liver and kidney—have the highest CoQ10 concentrations.

Discovery and history
Coenzyme Q10 was first discovered by Professor Fredrick L. Crane and colleagues at the University of Wisconsin–Madison Enzyme Institute in 1957. In 1961 Peter Mitchell proposed the electron transport chain (which includes the vital protonmotive role of CoQ10) and he received a Nobel prize for the same in 1978 ... read more

Biochemical role
CoQ10 is found in the membranes of many organelles. Since its primary function in cells is in generating energy, the highest concentration is found on the inner membrane of the mitochondrion. 

Antioxidant function of CoQ10
The antioxidant nature of CoQ10 derives from its energy carrier function. As an energy carrier, the CoQ10 molecule is continually going through an oxidation-reduction cycle. As it accepts electrons, it becomes reduced. As it gives up electrons, it becomes oxidized. In its reduced form, the CoQ10 molecule ... read more

CoQ10 is a crystalline powder that is insoluble in water. Absorption follows the same process as that of lipids and the uptake mechanism appears to be similar to that of vitamin E, another lipid-soluble nutrient. This process in the human body ... read more

It appears that CoQ10 is metabolised in all tissues, while a major route for its elimination is biliary and fecal excretion. After the withdrawal of CoQ10 supplementation, the levels return to normal within a few days, irrespective of the type of formulation used.This is the mein reason why AquaSource advises people to take supporting the heart function CoQ10 within 3-4 months during the year, or every 3-d or 4-th monht in order to supply additional strength to the muscle.

Supplementation benefits
According to the Mayo Clinic, "CoQ10 has been used, recommended, or studied for numerous conditions, but remains controversial as a treatment in many areas." Coenzyme Q10, in its reduced form as solubilized ubiquinol, is approved for use as an orphan product in the treatment of Huntington's disease and pediatric congestive heart failure.

Heart health
The most imporatnt role of the hart is the correct circulation of the blood in our body. The blood stream, which heart regulates, is the  main fluid throughout our body to feed every organ and the whole organism of billions of cells.

Coenzyme Q10 helps maintain a healthy cardiovascular system.There is evidence ... read more

Blood pressure
There are several reports concerning the effect of CoQ10 on blood pressure in human studies. A recent (2007) meta-analysis of the clinical trials of CoQ10 for hypertension assessed overall efficacy, consistency of therapeutic action, and side-effect incidence. Meta-analysis was performed in 12 clinical trials (362 patients). The meta-analysis concluded that coenzyme Q10 has the potential in hypertensive patients to lower systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure  without significant side-effects.

Cardiac arrest, Migraine headaches
... read more

Supplementation of coenzyme Q10 has been found to have a beneficial effect ... read more

CoQ10 is also being investigated as a treatment for cancer, and as relief from cancer treatment side-effects.

One study demonstrated that low dosages of coenzyme Q10 reduce oxidation  and a combination of a diet rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and coenzyme Q10 supplementation leads to a longer lifespan. 

What should we eat to absorb more Coenzyme Q10 in our blood and organs? ... read more

In the developed world, the estimated daily intake of  CoQ10 has been determined at 3–6 mg per day, derived primarily from meat.

сряда, 3 април 2013 г.

Lactobacillus Acidophilus & Bifidus

Lactobacillus Acidophilus is a type of bacteria and there are lots of different species of lactobacillus. These are "friendly" bacteria that normally live in our digestive, urinary, and genital systems without causing disease, but protecting from diseases.

Some people use lactobacillus for general digestion problems; irritable bowel syndrome (IBS); colic in babies; Crohn's disease; inflammation of the colon; and a serious gut problem called necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) in babies born prematurely. Lactobacillus is also used for infection with Helicobacter pylori, the type of bacteria that causes ulcers, and also for other types of infections including urinary tract infections (UTIs), vaginal yeast infections, to prevent the common cold in adults, and to prevent respiratory infections in children attending daycare centers. It is also being tested to prevent serious infections in people on ventilators.

Lactobacillus Acidophilus is also used for skin disorders such as fever blisters, canker sores, eczema (allergic dermatitis); and acne.

It is also used for high cholesterol, lactose intolerance, Lyme disease, hives, and to boost the immune system.

Women sometimes use lactobacillus suppositories to treat vaginal infections and urinary tract infections (UTIs).

Although some supplements are meant to contain Lactobacillus Acidophilus (or Bifidus), they do not actually contain it. This is the reason of all the Certificates and Approvals which AquaSource is entitled to in order to provide thorough care for people.

Visit livelong.eu to learn more about Probiotics and Klamath Lake Algae, Super Foods and healthy nutrition.

Лактобасилус Ацидофилус и Бифидус

Lactobacillus е вид бактерия, от която се срещат различни под-видове бактерии. Те са "приятелски" бактерии, които нормално живеят в храносмилателната ни система, пикочните и половите пътища. Не причиняват заболяване, а напротив - предпазват ни от болести и възпаления.

Някои хора използват Лактобацилус при общи проблеми на храносмилтелния тракт, синдром на "дразнимото черво" (IBS); колики при бебета (предимно Бифидус от лактобацилите), 

болест на Крон, възпаление на дебелото черво (предимно Бифидус), както и сериозен проблем червата, наречено некротизиращ ентероколит (NEC) при преждевременно родени бебета. Пробиотик Ацидофилус се използва и за инфекция с Helicobacter Pylori, вида на бактериите, което причинява язви, както и за други видове инфекции, включително инфекции на пикочните пътища (ИПП), вагинални инфекции, за предотвратяване на обикновена простуда при възрастни, и за предотвратяване на инфекции на дихателните пътища при деца. Ацидофилус бактерията се използва и, за да се предотвратят сериозни инфекции при хора, които чаесто се намират в подземия, заради работата, която извършват.

 Acidophilus се използва за кожни заболявания като треска блистери, гангрена язви, екзема (алергичен дерматит); и акне.Този пробиотик
 се използва още за висок холестерол, непоносимост към лактоза, Лаймска болест, копривна треска, и за стимулиране на имунната система.
Жените понякога използват свещички с пробиотик Ацидофилус за лечение на вагинални инфекции и инфекции на пикочните пътища (ИПП).
Въпреки, че някои добавки се описват като съдържащи Лактобацилус Ацидофилус или Бифидус, те всъщност не ги съдържат в достатъчно количество, което да се използва за лечебна или превантивна терапия. Това е една от причините за всички медицински разрешителни и одобрения от властите, които са дадени на АкваСорс, за да може да провежда качествена грижа за хората.

Може да посетите livelong.eu, ако искате да прочетете повече за здравословно хранене, профилактика и лечение на различни заболявания.