сряда, 5 юни 2013 г.

Secrets of Body Energy and Health

"Do not fight for your health and do not pile up energy. Let them in yourself" 
                                                                                        Vadim Zeland

Energy power means the ability to absorb and use energy. In the human body we can probably divide it into two forms:

- Physiological Energy;

- Free Energy.

Physiological energy is created by food and nutrition.

Free energy is the cosmic energy that flows through the human body. The two together form our energy shell. Human energy is spent on certain physical functions and radiates into the surrounding area.

Cosmic energy is in the outside world in an unlimited quantity. Nevertheless, you can absorb at least part of it. It passes through the body in two directions. The first flow goes upwards and is located about 2.5 cm along the spine of men and approximately 5 cm in women. The second path goes from top to bottom and is situated close to the spine. Quantity of human free energy depends on the width of the central energy channels. The wider they are, the higher the energy.

People have long discovered the central energy flows.

When the normal flow of energy is violated, i.e. sometime appear "plugs" or "gaps" then arise various diseases. Conversely, if an internal organ is affected, the energy picture is changing. It is difficult to draw a precise boundary where the violation of the energy circulation is caused by physiological reasons, such as clogging of the body of waste, and where physiological disorders are caused by changes in the flow of energy. Acupuncture, massage dot and similar methods can restore normal circulation of energy and then the diseases caused by disorders of the circulation, will disappear. But the effect will be temporary. To all, the norm it is necessary to take care of both the physical and the fine body.

Human energy is closely related to the condition of the muscles. Tense muscles impede the normal movement of invisible flows and trouble-field emission rights.

If a man showed up in casual company internally tense, even without saying a word, you feel change in the general mood which hangs in the air like tension. Others perceive as negative energy without realizing. Tension creates heterogeneity in the general field and raises equilibrium forces. Equilibrium is restored either by bringing the energy to a common denominator, or by neutralizing the resulting potential energy with the opposite sign. For example, the company started to joke with the unnecessarily stiff person.

Mood and vitality are directly related to energy. Depressed state, stress, inner emptiness, fatigue and apathy show a lack of energy. Only physiological energy is not enough to maintain high vitality. One can be tired physical, but is happy and cheerful. Conversely, the sated and not tired person may feel depressed and sluggish.
Major role in the active life position plays precisely the free energy. If you wish to do nothing, then you lack free energy. When it does not reach, you can be forced to perform routine functions, but to create and implement active measures will be difficult. Behind every active action stands intention. If there is no free energy, there can be no intention at all.

 You can read more on the theme here.

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