четвъртък, 29 май 2014 г.



The Story of Spas Spasov from Varna

        I received information of the products of AquaSource by Dr. Maria Vassileva in June 2007. Later I realized that as soon as I mentioned the infarct and the 3 heart operations for the 72 hours between life and death, the doctor decided that she should convince me to start taking at least Co- enzyme Q- 10. It worked! It was pretty convincing, although in the first few months I watched with a great deal of mistrust of these supplements. I started taking Co- enzyme, but continued to drink and the 8 types of drugs three times a day - before, during and after each meal. I kept thinking that without them I could not exist, and Co- enzyme seen as something extra that could possibly help me. 

       It took me several months to believe in this product and make sure that he is my salvation.AFAEFAs and ColActive as my meds. And now more than 6 years, they are my "drugs" - they are my obligatory superfood. There is no day that I missed them, but when I'm busier, I add also 1-2-3 measurespoons of Cellular energy. And busy days I've had a lot. Then there was no room for hesitation. Gradually I added 

       In the summer of 2009 I again returned to Austria /I lived there for 20 years/ to "WORK". Although I had to work 12 hours a day, I felt full of energy, which surprised all of my friends and acquaintances. They well knew how I felt and how I looked 1-2 years ago. What was the astonishment at my cardiologist when I saw my perfect results and I realized that for 2 years I have not taken any medications. Dr. Vassileva often quoted me in her lectures how we met, I could not climb more than 10-15 feet without stop to rest. For information - now I get on the 13th floor with a jog without a break.

       Thanks to AquaSource products, I am very hopeful for the health and future - I've decided to live up to 100, but why not more. Now in Austria I have a circle of friends who consume them permanently. So how else - I am the living example for them.

         I encourage anyone who has come to this information, consult a competent distributor company, to give you the most appropriate for you combination of products.

         Be patient and persistent! Do not aim for quick results, and to lasting health!

Spas Spasov - Varna 
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